Letterpress is a winning combination of fun and strategy now available for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.  Thanks to the Apple Game Center, you can play against your friends or random opponents.  Color the board by stealing tiles or finding great words to play.  The gameplay is fun and addictive thanks to a fluid and easy-to-use interface.

The concept of Letterpress is a bit straightforward, but what sets this game apart is the design elements and execution of style.  The game is only available to play for two people and you can be paired up with someone from the Game Center or a random player generated from the waiting queue.

On a 25 tile board (5 x 5), each player takes a turn playing a word. Each letter has one point value and will change to your color, once played.  If a player decides to use one of your letters to make their word, that letter would then change to your opponent’s color.  The winner of the game is the person who controls the most letters, once all tiles have been played.

A new wrinkle in this game is that you can protect a letter in your word by using that letter, as well as the letters that surround it, to make a fresh word.  The ability to protect your letters is not unlocked until your opponent has taken over some of your surrounding letters.  This is a defensive move that is available, only during that scenario.

Letterpress might sound like it is complicated, but after a few rounds, the concept will become crystal clear. The flair and functionality of this app shines bright.  The look and overall feel gives a sense of simplicity, freshness and a total lack of clutter, most commonly found in other word apps.

Letterpress is FREE for all iOS devices and an in-app purchase is available to upgrade to an ad-free version with unlocked themes, colors and bonus features.